Thursday, March 20, 2008

Hippity Hoppity

Well, it official - we're ready for Easter! We did our eggs today and are off to the lake for some much needed R&R. It always so much fun to do the egg hunt out there, so many places to hide 'em.

Hope the Easter Bunny is good to ya!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Is there life outside of sewing?

Some days I wonder! What I have been working on lately besides sewing is improving my photography, especially the indoor stuff. Outdoors when there is lots of light and a great back drop I am okay. But 7 months of the year in this part of the world, it just isn't possible! And just to show that I do in fact have other people in my life besides my DD I forced them ALL to sit today. They didn't seem to mind to much, tho, there was a pack of gum in it for them!Photobucket

This is my middle son, who will be 8 on friday. *sniff*. Don't know when that happened!